Installing a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Rollup is an integral part of maintaining your system. However there are issues you may experience after you have completed the install, such as:
Often the reasons for this is that the Organization itself has not been successfully upgraded. You can verify this by launching the Deployment Manager and checking the version as displayed below:
If you find that the version is incorrect, then you can right click on the specific Organization and use the Update option. At this point you may find yourself with a second issue, whereby the update itself is now failing:
To remedy this, connect to the Organization's SQL Database using SQL Management Studio and execute the following script:
declare @IncidentOptionSetId uniqueidentifier = '7779161B-0E32-4001-8D44-339C2D1FF1F0'
declare @IncidentSystemPicklistIdFor1000 uniqueidentifier = 'DE3D1468-D2F4-4BC6-8BF6-73C5C64C435D'
declare @IncidentPicklistValueFor1000 int = 1000
declare @CategoryOptionSetId uniqueidentifier = '3041D03C-4166-4814-A2D4-1E3D93CAF2F1'
declare @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000 uniqueidentifier = 'ECBEE2BC-BAD2-4723-8612-371B4CE8D9E5'
declare @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001 uniqueidentifier = 'DE121D28-F5DF-45F7-B6FC-E97B1604F747'
declare @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002 uniqueidentifier = '8612EA04-81CF-423B-ADF4-EF74EEA70A41'
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor1000 int = 1000
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor1001 int = 1001
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor1002 int = 1002
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor6 int = 6
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor7 int = 7
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor8 int = 8
declare @SystemSolutionId uniqueidentifier = 'FD140AAD-4DF4-11DD-BD17-0019B9312238'
declare @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode int = 2
declare @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType int = 4
declare @DeleteComponentState int = 2
declare @PicklistIdMapping table
OldId uniqueidentifier,
NewId uniqueidentifier
delete @PicklistIdMapping
insert into @PicklistIdMapping (OldId, NewId)
select AttributePicklistValueId, NULL
from MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor6 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000
or Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor7 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001
or Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor8 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002
-- do not include incident status picklist in here
group by AttributePicklistValueId
having COUNT(*) = 1
delete MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel
MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on l.ObjectId = m.OldId
where l.LabelTypeCode = @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode
delete DependencyBase where DependentComponentNodeId in
select DependencyNodeId
DependencyNodeBase d
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on d.ObjectId = m.OldId
where d.ComponentType = @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType
delete DependencyNodeBase
DependencyNodeBase d
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on d.ObjectId = m.OldId
where d.ComponentType = @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType
delete MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue a
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on a.AttributePicklistValueId = m.OldId
delete @PicklistIdMapping
insert into @PicklistIdMapping (OldId, NewId)
select AttributePicklistValueId, NEWID()
from MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor6 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000
or Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor7 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001
or Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor8 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002
-- do not include incident status picklist in here
group by AttributePicklistValueId
having COUNT(*) > 1
update MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel
set ComponentState = @DeleteComponentState
MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on l.ObjectId = m.OldId
where l.SolutionId = @SystemSolutionId and l.LabelTypeCode = @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode
update MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
set ComponentState = @DeleteComponentState
MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue a
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on a.AttributePicklistValueId = m.OldId
where a.SolutionId = @SystemSolutionId
update MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel
set ObjectId = m.NewId
MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on l.ObjectId = m.OldId
where l.LabelTypeCode = @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode
update DependencyNodeBase
set ObjectId = m.NewId
DependencyNodeBase d
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on d.ObjectId = m.OldId
where d.ComponentType = @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType
update MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
set AttributePicklistValueId = m.NewId
MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue a
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on a.AttributePicklistValueId = m.OldId
delete @PicklistIdMapping
insert into @PicklistIdMapping (OldId, NewId)
select AttributePicklistValueId OldId,
CASE Value
WHEN @CategoryPicklistValueFor1000 THEN @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000
WHEN @CategoryPicklistValueFor1001 THEN @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001
WHEN @CategoryPicklistValueFor1002 THEN @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002
from AttributePicklistValueView
where OptionSetId = @CategoryOptionSetId and Value in (@CategoryPicklistValueFor1000, @CategoryPicklistValueFor1001, @CategoryPicklistValueFor1002)
delete from @PicklistIdMapping where OldId in (@CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000, @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001, @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002)
insert into @PicklistIdMapping (OldId, NewId)
select AttributePicklistValueId OldId, @IncidentSystemPicklistIdFor1000 NewId
from AttributePicklistValueView
where OptionSetId = @IncidentOptionSetId and Value = @IncidentPicklistValueFor1000
delete from @PicklistIdMapping where OldId = @IncidentSystemPicklistIdFor1000
update MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel
set ObjectId = m.NewId
MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on l.ObjectId = m.OldId
where l.LabelTypeCode = @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode
update DependencyNodeBase
set ObjectId = m.NewId
DependencyNodeBase d
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on d.ObjectId = m.OldId
where d.ComponentType = @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType
update MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
set AttributePicklistValueId = m.NewId
MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue a
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on a.AttributePicklistValueId = m.OldId
After executing this script, try again and the Organization should not update successfully, which in return should resolve your CRM launching and solution import issues.
Hope this helps?
- issues trying to launch CRM, which are now displaying an error message that isn't very useful.
- importing a solution
Often the reasons for this is that the Organization itself has not been successfully upgraded. You can verify this by launching the Deployment Manager and checking the version as displayed below:
Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.InstallDatabaseUpdatesAction failed. InnerException: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
To remedy this, connect to the Organization's SQL Database using SQL Management Studio and execute the following script:
declare @IncidentOptionSetId uniqueidentifier = '7779161B-0E32-4001-8D44-339C2D1FF1F0'
declare @IncidentSystemPicklistIdFor1000 uniqueidentifier = 'DE3D1468-D2F4-4BC6-8BF6-73C5C64C435D'
declare @IncidentPicklistValueFor1000 int = 1000
declare @CategoryOptionSetId uniqueidentifier = '3041D03C-4166-4814-A2D4-1E3D93CAF2F1'
declare @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000 uniqueidentifier = 'ECBEE2BC-BAD2-4723-8612-371B4CE8D9E5'
declare @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001 uniqueidentifier = 'DE121D28-F5DF-45F7-B6FC-E97B1604F747'
declare @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002 uniqueidentifier = '8612EA04-81CF-423B-ADF4-EF74EEA70A41'
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor1000 int = 1000
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor1001 int = 1001
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor1002 int = 1002
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor6 int = 6
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor7 int = 7
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor8 int = 8
declare @SystemSolutionId uniqueidentifier = 'FD140AAD-4DF4-11DD-BD17-0019B9312238'
declare @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode int = 2
declare @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType int = 4
declare @DeleteComponentState int = 2
declare @PicklistIdMapping table
OldId uniqueidentifier,
NewId uniqueidentifier
delete @PicklistIdMapping
insert into @PicklistIdMapping (OldId, NewId)
select AttributePicklistValueId, NULL
from MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor6 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000
or Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor7 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001
or Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor8 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002
-- do not include incident status picklist in here
group by AttributePicklistValueId
having COUNT(*) = 1
delete MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel
MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on l.ObjectId = m.OldId
where l.LabelTypeCode = @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode
delete DependencyBase where DependentComponentNodeId in
select DependencyNodeId
DependencyNodeBase d
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on d.ObjectId = m.OldId
where d.ComponentType = @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType
delete DependencyNodeBase
DependencyNodeBase d
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on d.ObjectId = m.OldId
where d.ComponentType = @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType
delete MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue a
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on a.AttributePicklistValueId = m.OldId
delete @PicklistIdMapping
insert into @PicklistIdMapping (OldId, NewId)
select AttributePicklistValueId, NEWID()
from MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor6 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000
or Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor7 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001
or Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor8 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002
-- do not include incident status picklist in here
group by AttributePicklistValueId
having COUNT(*) > 1
update MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel
set ComponentState = @DeleteComponentState
MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on l.ObjectId = m.OldId
where l.SolutionId = @SystemSolutionId and l.LabelTypeCode = @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode
update MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
set ComponentState = @DeleteComponentState
MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue a
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on a.AttributePicklistValueId = m.OldId
where a.SolutionId = @SystemSolutionId
update MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel
set ObjectId = m.NewId
MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on l.ObjectId = m.OldId
where l.LabelTypeCode = @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode
update DependencyNodeBase
set ObjectId = m.NewId
DependencyNodeBase d
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on d.ObjectId = m.OldId
where d.ComponentType = @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType
update MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
set AttributePicklistValueId = m.NewId
MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue a
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on a.AttributePicklistValueId = m.OldId
delete @PicklistIdMapping
insert into @PicklistIdMapping (OldId, NewId)
select AttributePicklistValueId OldId,
CASE Value
WHEN @CategoryPicklistValueFor1000 THEN @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000
WHEN @CategoryPicklistValueFor1001 THEN @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001
WHEN @CategoryPicklistValueFor1002 THEN @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002
from AttributePicklistValueView
where OptionSetId = @CategoryOptionSetId and Value in (@CategoryPicklistValueFor1000, @CategoryPicklistValueFor1001, @CategoryPicklistValueFor1002)
delete from @PicklistIdMapping where OldId in (@CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000, @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001, @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002)
insert into @PicklistIdMapping (OldId, NewId)
select AttributePicklistValueId OldId, @IncidentSystemPicklistIdFor1000 NewId
from AttributePicklistValueView
where OptionSetId = @IncidentOptionSetId and Value = @IncidentPicklistValueFor1000
delete from @PicklistIdMapping where OldId = @IncidentSystemPicklistIdFor1000
update MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel
set ObjectId = m.NewId
MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on l.ObjectId = m.OldId
where l.LabelTypeCode = @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode
update DependencyNodeBase
set ObjectId = m.NewId
DependencyNodeBase d
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on d.ObjectId = m.OldId
where d.ComponentType = @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType
update MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
set AttributePicklistValueId = m.NewId
MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue a
inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on a.AttributePicklistValueId = m.OldId
After executing this script, try again and the Organization should not update successfully, which in return should resolve your CRM launching and solution import issues.
Hope this helps?
This comment has been removed by the author.